Stop drifting.
Define yourself.
Figure out your goals.

Stop drifting. Define yourself. Figure out your goals.

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"Plan a wildly successful year in just one day."

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I'm Tracy Jo Smith

Business educator, author, youtuber, coach, speaker, podcaster, digital creator, adventurer, mother of eight with a massive dream:

To see people wake up to their lives!

I'm glad you're here.
Let's. Get. Busy.

Hey, there!

Proud owner of these brands...


hey, friend!

Building an amazing life, while also trying to build a rockin' business,
 can feel endlessly overwhelming.

I got you.

freebies make it easier

welcome to the party

100,000 in our social network

Working in over 20+ countries

Within 300 industries 

98% of clients actively recommend us

I’m a small-town girl, University of Florida business graduate, mom of eight, and a LOVER of adventure & travel. I believe in BIG dreams, and the people behind them, which is why I started this company.

Most days you'll find me hanging out with my kids, working in my home office, and hitting my home gym. I'm known for being a one stop shop for all things business and for advocating business around life (not the other way around).

I'm organized like a freak, yet live to be spontaneous. I enjoy a glass of wine while gazing at the stars, singing silly songs while cooking dinner, and listening to country music while packing my bag for the next fun adventure :)

My business style is raw, real, and authentic. I believe we can learn a lot from each other and learn best when we can relate.

I'm not perfect, and don't feel any more professional by trying to be... I openly share everything, so you can learn both by my mistakes and my successes. I keep the information fun, simple, and useful. 

My favorite thing about working from home?

We only have one life. Let's make it count.

If you've decided you want to be an online entrepreneur, then I want to be the one that you go to for trusted advice.

no boss. no alarm clock. no ceiling.


business consultant + digital creator + educator + author + speaker + coach

We choose to live by choice, not by chance.
We charge towards a better life, not watch it idly.

We are fueled by fear, not trapped by it.
We will make changes, not excuses.

We tell ourselves that we are enough,
for we know that we are.

We play big, not small.
We shine, not shrink.
We strive to impact lives outside of our own.

We are unique leaders, not followers.
We have tough skin, with scars of our circumstance,
which we proudly display and show others how to navigate.

We listen to our inner voice and trust ourselves.
We will create what we desire, and change what we detest.

We are strong.
We are powerful.

Not just some of us.
All of us.

a culture of fanatic doer's!


our motto:

based in pine island, Florida 


I believe that most of our childhoods are spent being excited and energetic... racing towards our BIG goals... there's nothing we can't do!
But somewhere along the way... life happens... things change... we change.

As a result, w
e can become less mindful, less proactive in our life, and even less willing to shoot for our awesome goals.

We stop believing in ourselves and 
our ability to ever make them happen in the first place. We give up. We feel stuck.

For me, being a child with big dreams meant turning my walk-in closet into a "hospital room", and pretending to be a trauma nurse. 

That was, of course, until I actually started working in the hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit as an EMT :)

The reality was very different then my dreams (sound familiar?). My strong love of people, met with the harsh realities of working with the seriously sick, and it broke my heart on a daily basis.

So in my 20's, I changed direction, and went back to college to be a school teacher. It seemed the perfect compromise between fulfilling my desires to help and teach people, and being in a happier environment.

I stayed in this field, growing and raising my large family, until life changed once again in my 30's when I decided to homeschool.

Since I wanted to be with my family full-time, and no longer working outside of the home (like, ever), I enrolled in the University of Florida Business School and started stock trading.

It was during these years, out of the blue, that I had a massive, life-threatening, pulmonary embolism at the age of 39. I can't begin to explain the trauma of being in the ICU, writing goodbye letters to my family, and spending an entire year in recovery... but I can tell you that it changed everything

I took a long, hard look at my life and asked some really hard questions.

Who was I, really? Was I doing what I wanted with my one and only life? Had I unintentionally lost sight of myself as I cruised through my days?

Just as I was finally recovering and figuring some things out, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer... the scariest word I had ever heard. And once again, I cycled through another hospital stay, surgery, recovery, and some deep questioning of myself. 

Yep, l
ife has a way of beating us up a little... doesn't it? 

And sometimes we can be left with a nagging sense that we were made for something more... we seek change.

And that feeling, led me to spend four long months thinking about what my perfect life would look like, and then an additional two weeks creating a plan to build that perfect-ish life!

Wanna make your own plan?        

This plan was one of the best decisions I've ever made, but it was also a scary one. Change was hard, but staying put was even harder. So I decided to go for it, all of it, and I had never felt more alive, free, empowered, and truly me... just like in my childhood!

I built that new business around my new life... and I built it
 100% online because that was the only option that gave me the time, money, and freedom to create the life I wanted. And even though my medical detours continue (in 2023, I was diagnosed with the rare disease, fibromuscular dysplasia), I now possess the freedom to live a life I love by working anytime + anywhere... 100% true to myself!  

And that, my friend, is my story and the beginning of 
Entrepreneur Girl®.

A place that inspires you to take charge of your life and define your future, through building an online business.

You really are just one choice, one business adventure away, from changing your life, too... even if you face detours of your own.

A l
ife of security, freedom, flexibility, independence and pride.

No limits.
No constraints.
Just untapped opportunity to be remarkable!

My story.

maybe the journey...

isn't so much
about becoming anything.

Maybe it's about un-becoming
everything that isn't really you.

so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.

no lie. you really can work from home.

my favorite books

click to order

my favorite things

• Michael Hyatt Platform: Get Noticed In A Noisy World
• Timothy Ferriss The 4-Hour Workweek
• James Redfield The Celestine Prophecy
• Darren Hardy The Compound Effect
• Gary Chapman The Five Love Languages
• Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich
• Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad
• Barbara Stanny Secrets of Six-Figure Women
• Joel Osteen Your Best Life Now
• Rachel Hollis Girl, Wash Your Face
• The Bible
• David Ogilvy Ogilvy On Advertising
• Al Ries The 22 Immutable Laws Of Branding
• Seth Godin This Is Marketing
• Jen Sincero You Are A Bada**

• Travel is my most favorite thing in the world! (well, besides my husband and kids...)
• Spending time with my extended family in Indiana. I feel so loved there ❤ they rock!
• River rafting, ziplining, hiking and yep! ... anything active or exciting
• Cheese and chocolate-- together!
• Pj's, a movie, and pizza delivery 
• The color pink (you probably knew that)
• Playing the flute and taking photos
• A good steak
• Candles. Everywhere. 
• Coffee, LOTS  of coffee
• Scrapbooking Memories
• Reading a book in the bathtub

Entrepreneur Girl® wouldn't be where it is today, if it wasn't for the hard work and sheer determination of our team. 

You can find us working hard at our computers,
making every second count
 (or drawing funny faces on each other)!

...and our team always!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Family first 

Tech Guru

Big Cheese

Media Boss

my momma

A look back...

Have you ever started completely over?
In love? In business? In life?
Pushing yourself into a better place.

Is it time for a pivot?
Everything you need to kickstart your future, is within you right now.
Just waiting for you to realize that it's there...

Believe in your pain and scars, because they are the very things that connect you to your purpose and your beauty!

Once I decided to go for a freedom lifestyle, I built the entire Entrepreneur Girl® brand out of nothing, but an idea in my head and $200 cash.

Sheer determination and the ability to persevere (and not quit!) through my trials and shortcomings, were the only traits that finally got me to success.

 Success didn't happen because I am special, gifted, smart, wealthy, well connected, the perfect gender, the perfect age,
or the perfect look... because I'm none of those things.

Most likely, you don't have the perfect scenario, either.

 In fact, I had no idea how to set up an "online" business and I was fearful that I would fail.
Can people really succeed from their kitchen counter?

Still, the draw of creating the perfect life for me...
time to travel the world, money to be home with my family, and the freedom to be my own boss...
continued to motivate me to start my company with a willingness to figure things out along the way. 

One consistent step, habit, and idea at a time.

That's the truth.
That's the secret.
Those steps?  I'm going to show you how to do them in my Business University

So you can take all my knowledge from business school and a decade of entrepreneurial experience,
and do just what I did, but in only a fraction of the time. 

I want you to overcome your obstacles (whatever they are!) and reach your goals (all of them!).

Just like I did, through my Entrepreneur Girl® business.


So, here’s the truth, and I hope you hear it with your whole heart... ❤️

become who you were meant to be

I believe in you.
Like... really.

When I hear your stories, and think of my own, I marvel at the human spirit;
that when knocked down, it finds its best self.

The difficulties you face make you sad and angry,
but they also make you determined and fearless.

 Having nothing to lose, you are able to strive for things
 that you would have never attempted without those experiences.

How ironic that our problems become our passions,
and our obstacles become our biggest assets.

Enabling us with the power, direction, and clarity to take back the freedom of our life,
and re-navigate it to where we want it to be.

You. Can. Do. This.

Whatever your goals... Write a book? Buy a house? Travel? Be home with the kids? 

You're in the right place!

After all, we are more alike than you might think...
you want more freedom and independence, but you don't know how to get there...
I know that feels frustrating and overwhelming. I remember those feelings of being tired and trapped.

I overcame that uncertainty, and found the path to being my own boss. 
I went from feeling unsettled, to feeling grounded in my purpose, and proud of what I'd accomplished in just a few months!

What is possible in your life if only you'd start? How would it feel to work online and actually have the time, energy, and money to hit all of your goals?
And to do that while not depending on anyone or anything, for your security?
What would it look like working from anywhere in the world, making money while doing any activity you enjoy, and doing it all from your backpack!? 

You must make the choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in your life to change.

Download my free workbook to get started

I'll be alongside you every step of the way!












A look back...

-the real person timeline to overnight success-

Anyone who has ever accomplished anything in life
knows that there's no such thing as an overnight success.

No one lands on the mountaintop by accident! 
You don't get there by wishing or hoping for it,
but by working for it through the hardships!

the recession devastated our family finances

went back to school for a business degree

pregnancy with 7th child

graduated from the University Of Florida

started stock trading

started selling used household items on ebay

my father went into hospice care

grew ebay business into three stores

diagnosed with thyroid cancer

year long heart+lung recovery from embolism

gave birth to my 8th and final child

added Amazon, Etsy, poshmark & marketplace

begin all social media platforms

20,000 subscribers on Youtube

we got coronavirus + a slew of health issues

entrepreneur girl expands into 20+ countries

45,000 subscribers on Youtube

social media continues to grow organically

began website design + branding services

built a Design & Development Team

 contracts with my first 4 large companies

surgery + infusions to fix my severe anemia

began speaking at schools and events

started coaching clients on e-commerce

kept my head down and worked hard

my father dies & takes a piece of me with him

started consulting with small companies

struggled to get balance after thyroid removal

flash flood damaged my new farmhouse

started youtube channel

developed entrepreneur girl website

branded and trademarked entrepreneur girl

suffered a massive pulmonary embolism 

My business.

What about you?

Stop standing on the sidelines of your own life!

to shoulder

I stand with you

it's time to change your life!

Let's connect!

Well, I did discover my purpose, reject the 9-5 work model, and commit to having more time to play, travel, and be with those I love,
by creating twelve successful online income streams and an International brand.

I took all the lessons learned through those past hurdles and developed a plan.

Committing myself not only to building a business,
but also to loving my life and balancing my responsibilities.

I wanted to have fun and feel passionate again, and to guide others to do the same;
to show you how to juggle the everyday demands of work and family life;
and to demonstrate how an inexperienced, ordinary person can overcome extraordinary obstacles and succeed beyond imagination.

I want to lay out all the steps so that you could do it, too!

Because, I have finally learned to incorporate back into my life,
all the things that make me feel truly alive... things like travel, adventure, and new experiences.

Just last year (as of this writing), I went skydiving, river rafting, rode a mechanical bull,
and zip-lined through the Blue Ridge Mountains.

 In just the last two months, I have visited Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, Indiana, and Texas (twice).
I have been blessed to be able to make memories with my children, while visiting all fifty states, Canada, and Mexico.

Yet, in order to do these activities, a business must be flexible and financially sound.
It must be online, so that I can work from anywhere in the world,
doing any activity I desire, all from my BACKPACK.

So never again, will I have a one-week vacation, or work long hours building someone else’s dream.

Never again will I give up on my dreams (or myself).

The road to becoming an internet entrepreneur wasn't always easy, but it led to the greatest gift of all…

building a business around a life I love! 

I thank God every-single-day for His direction, for my being alive,
 and for the opportunity to share everything I've learned with you!

So how are things now?

Join me in the Business University!

1. What trophies sit on your shelf?

5. What do you do when stressed?

7. My go-to outfit is:

    a. yoga pants and a tank

    b. jeans and a tee

    c. anything from a designer 

    d. a dress & heels

8. I am deathly afraid of:

    a. public speaking

    b. heights

    c. flying

    d. roaches

2. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

3. Most likely to binge watch: 

   a. girlboss 

   b. the voice
   c. the bachelor

   d. house hunters

4. The best title I have: 

   a. entrepreneur girl 

   b. blogger
   c. mommy

   d. professional coffee drinker

6. Someday I want to: 


cheerleading + basketball +
 running races and a halfmarathon
 + bowling

 pizza pizza pizza

write a bunch of books

order pizza + rent a movie
 + nestle in my pjs

business University

Ready to take your freedom back? 

Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself!