October 17, 2017
Don't let Failure Stop You We all expect everything we do to be perfect with no set backs but that is not realistic for most on a daily basis we have failed at something or other. We all go through life making mistakes, have set backs or we simply fail at a task or job we are trying to do. It's not easy but we can't avoid it unless we avoid trying new things because we are scared to fail. Instead we need to be smart and confident, figure out how we are going to handle the situations instead of it bringing us down to where we dwell on the negative and feel like never trying again. So hopefully these few tips will help you move on and never feel like a failure. 1. Deal with how you are feeling. Most of us who fail try to place blame on others and find other reasons that caused us to fail instead of taking responsibility. Most of the time it is our fault and that's ok we just need to recognize and accept what has happened deal with the emotions that come with the set back and move forward. 2. Remembering just because you have a set back it doesn't make you a failure it makes you stronger. Take the mistake as a learning experience, take action and move forward onto the next task at hand. 3. Learn from the Criticism Don't get discouraged from any type of negative criticism take it with a grain of salt. Feedback is good wether it's negative or positive use it to your advantage. Ask yourself how can I use this information to make this situation better. You always can improve from a negative and turn into a positive. 4. Remember your not alone. We all think why does this always happen to me and not them. Remember all the successful stories we hear about people were not a cake walk for them. Everyone in everyday life has set backs and has failed in something they thought they were the best at. The difference is they over came the set backs and continued to push forward and make something out of the bad situation. Great quote I always was fond of" I can accept failure, Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." Michael Jordan So please don't get discourage if you have a set back. Don't let your self-esteem get crushed and you feel like a failure and want to give up. Learn from it, see what you need to do differently and grow bigger and better then ever. Kerri EG Team