June 18, 2018
Merch by Amazon is a platform where you can upload your artwork onto a t-shirt. Once you have a design and upload it onto Amazon and it goes live, Amazon then transfers that design onto real life products that people can purchase. Not only will amazon place that artwork onto products to be sold but they then take care of the rest of the process. Including checking out, customer service, and shipping! Now in order to sell your merchandise on amazon you must sign up for the program and be approved. They don’t let just anyone sell items off of their platform. You can sign up through amazons website and we have some serious tips when it comes to getting approved, what to do when you’re waiting, and how to be successful. We actually have so many tips that we couldn’t fit it into one video or blog. So if you find this handful of tips helpful then please stay tuned for Part 2 of this segment.
When signing up for Merch by Amazon there is still a chance that Amazon declines you of that ability. Thankfully we have a few tips on how to make the most of your application.
Amazon requires you to be approved before selling through Merch by Amazon. So while you’re waiting to be approved there are a number of things you can be doing in order to be ready the moment you are approved. Remember, the more designs you have the more sales you will make. So it’s very important that you are creating numerous designs on Amazon in order to sell the most possible. So while you’re waiting, start researching.
As a business we are constantly searching for that sweet spot between low competition and high demand. However those topics and items can be difficult to find, especially when you’re creating the design yourself. So we suggest a few things when it comes to having overall success with your Merch by Amazon account.
Merch by Amazon is a great source of passive income if you decide to stick with it. Of course this process is wayyyyy more detailed and complex then what we just explained. That’s why we had to create two parts! So subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss another video.
Created: 06/18/18
Author: Alaina Bollen